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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院



An individual with a disability is any person who:

  1. 有身体检查, 精神或情感障碍, that substantially or materially limits one or more of their major life activities.
  2. 残疾可以是暂时的.g.(如手臂骨折)或永久性(如骨折).g.自闭症). Disabilities that are either temporary or permanent are not exclusive to these examples.


There are several laws that address Saint Paul College's responsibilities regarding individuals with disabilities. These include the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA of 1990 and ADAAA of 2008), 康复法案, 以及明尼苏达州人权法案.

Saint Paul College values diversity in our college community and is committed to providing an inclusive learning experience for students with disabilities. Saint Paul College offers accessible activities and 服务s with or without accommodations.


Accommodations are modifications to the ways in which things are usually done. The purpose of effective accommodations is to provide students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate and benefit from Saint Paul College.

Reasonable accommodations can be provided in various ways. The following are brief descriptions and examples of the most common categories of accommodations that permit a student with a disability to effectively participate in the educational process:

  1. 课堂教材的修改. These examples might include materials in alternative formats such as large print, audio, or Braille.
  2. Mitigating physical barriers in the classroom by providing adaptive classroom furniture such as a lift desk or high-back chair.
  3. Providing Assistive technology to reduce academic barriers. These examples might include providing a note taking device, 一种记录装置, 或者屏幕阅读器软件.
  4. ASL interpreting 服务s are available to students who are deaf or hard of hearing in the classrooms and for other Saint Paul College sponsored events.

What are some of the most common disabilities that 访问 and 残疾的资源 accommodates?

Some of the most common disabilities 访问 and 残疾的资源 accommodates are:

  1. 注意缺陷障碍(ADD, ADHD)
  2. 自闭症谱系障碍
  3. 焦虑/抑郁

我如何在访问注册 & 残疾的资源?

Students seeking accommodations can register with 访问 and 残疾的资源 at any point during the semester by contacting the office at 651.350.3008 or accessresources@lengyileng.com. Accommodations are not retroactive and students are encouraged to meet with the staff of 访问 and 残疾的资源 prior to the start of each semester.

What kinds of 服务s or accommodations are not provided?

There are some accommodations that Saint Paul College do not provide. 例子包括:

  1. personal devices such as wheelchairs or glasses.
  2. personal 服务s such as private tutoring, PCA, or paraprofessionals in the classroom.
  3. modifications that lower or change the essential learning outcomes of a course or program.

When should I request reasonable accommodations?

新学生 should meet with the staff of 访问 and 残疾的资源 as part of the mg电子试玩app process. If students would like accommodations for the placement exam, please contact 访问 and 残疾的资源 prior to the scheduled exam date.

返回的学生 are encouraged to meet with the staff of 访问 and 残疾的资源 after registering for classes.

What if I have a concern about my accommodations or access to programs, 服务s or activities?

If your accommodations do not meet your needs or have been denied, 我们鼓励您通知访问 & 残疾的资源 in a timely manner to address your concerns.

If a resolution has not been reached after meeting with the staff of 访问 and 残疾的资源, students can file a complaint utilizing Saint Paul College’s formal grievance process here: http://0d6.lengyileng.com/fileareport

访问 应用 请求的信息