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圣保罗书院A社区 & 技术学院


学院为学生提供机会,通过在学院或大学学分课程之外的学习经验来展示学院水平的能力. 学院应遵循 明尼苏达州董事会政策3.35 in evaluating and awarding 先前学习学分.

  • Credit for Life Work/Work Experience (Prior 学习)

    先前学习(能力为基础的教育)允许学生将非传统的学习作为能力进行评估,由合格的教师对他们的教育计划进行学分评估. These competencies must be the equivalent of what would have been achieved through college coursework. 在mg电子试玩app, 先前学习提供的学分, 在有限基础上, 有足够作业的学生, non-college credit and/or life learning experiences, 有机会记录与学院提供的特定课程相关的能力和理论学习. Credits earned from prior learning must be applicable to the student’s program of study. The 先前学习学分 option may be available for a limited number of technical 课程. 有兴趣在之前的学习中获得学分的学生必须与指定的指导老师讨论这个选项.

    American Sign Language Credit by Exam/Test-Out 信息rmation


  • clep大学水平考试项目

    mg电子试玩app将考虑那些想要参加通识教育课程和选定商业课程考试的学生的CLEP考试学分. A maximum of 30 credits may be applied toward an associate degree. No letter grades will be recorded on the transcript. Credit will be awarded based on the American Council on Education (ACE) recommendations. Credit will not be given which repeats completed coursework.

    Note: 大学s establish their own policies for accepting CLEP credit. 学生应咨询转学学院的CLEP政策,以确定CLEP学分是否可以转移和/或如何被接受. 咨询美国大学理事会网站(www.美国大学.org) for testing locations, fees and exam information.


    注意:CLEP考试已经改变,不再有普通考试和科目考试. Computer-based CLEP exams administered prior to July 1, 2001 have the same score scale and credit-granting score as its paper-based counterpart. All CLEP computer-based testing (CBT) exams administered after July 1, 2001 have a uniform ACE recommended credit-granting score of 50 for all subjects.


  • AP -先修课程

    大学先修课程让高中生有机会在各个学科领域学习大学水平的课程. A score of 3 is the minimum for credit to be awarded. 3年级, 4 or 5 qualify students for credits and/or placement into advanced 课程 at Saint Paul 大学. Credit can be given for a specific college course if a test covers substantially similar material. If the test material does not match an existing course, students will be given elective credit. mg电子试玩app将根据以下规定授予AP考试学分:学生可以申请选修学分,以满足副学士学位的某些通识教育要求. There is no limit to the total number of credits a student can earn through AP 课程 and tests. An official AP score report must be sent to the college using Saint Paul 大学 4 digit code 0534.


  • IB—International Baccalaureate (for High School 学生s)

    国际文凭(IB)项目是一个国际公认的项目,通过该项目,高中生完成严格学习的全面课程,并在IB考试中表现出色. 学生可以出示完整的IB文凭或认可特定更高级别或标准级别考试成绩的证书.



  • 技术准备/明确的学分

    铰接大学学分 (ACC) provides dual-credit towards both high school and college graduation. High school classes articulate to different colleges and universities in various subject areas. To find out which 课程 are offered at your high school, please see ctecreditmn.com. Many programs are articulated between Saint Paul Public Schools and Saint Paul 大学. Consult a high school counselor for more information concerning Articulated 大学 Credit.

    学生领取有效的 Minnesota Articulated 大学 Credit certificate 申请高中一门或多门课程,应向mg电子试玩app记录办公室(学生.Records@lengyileng.com) or their advisor at the time of registration or orientation. 学生将获得这些课程的转学分,这些课程将在学生的SPC大学成绩单上指定. 明尼苏达铰接式大学学分证书通常在签发之日起五年内有效. (请注意:如果你想转学, 这将取决于下一个机构是否会转移这些明确的大学学分课程.)

  • 明尼苏达州双语印章计划

    获得明尼苏达双语或多语言印章的高中生可以通过转学获得大学学分. 学生必须在高中毕业3年内提交自己的印章/证书和高中成绩单,才能获得大学学分. 学生s must be admitted to the college and have a declared major. 请 contact your high school for questions about obtaining your seal, 证书和/或高中成绩单.

    For more information about Bilingual and Multilingual Seals, visit: http://education.mn.gov/MDE/dse/stds/world/seals/

  • 国际成绩单

    Saint Paul 大学 does not evaluate international transcripts. 如果你有外国的成绩单, you must have a third party transcript evaluator determine how the 课程 translate to U.S. 课程. While we will accept evaluations from any AICE (www.aice-eval.org)或NACES会员(www.南汽.org), we highly recommend Educational Credential Evaluators (www.ece.org)或世界教育服务公司. (www.韦斯.org). mg电子试玩app保留要求您提供额外信息的权利,例如课程描述, 教学大纲, 等. 如果成绩单是英文的,转学专家可以在评估之前查看副本,以确定是否值得进行第三方评估过程(例如.e., whether there are 课程 that are likely to transfer).

    Note: Credits earned through 先前学习学分 may not transfer to other colleges.

  • 军事信贷

    明尼苏达州最近的立法要求明尼苏达州州立学院和大学审查军事学业成绩单,并根据美国教育委员会(ACE)的建议给予适当的学分. 成绩单评估员将审查你的 军事训练 根据美国军事课程教育委员会的标准,并提供一份学位审计报告(DARS)的副本,说明转学时接受的内容.

    注:用于评定军事学分, students will need to order an official Joint Services transcript to be sent to Saint Paul 大学. 成绩单可在以下网址订购 http://jst.doded.mil/official.html

  • ACE - American Council on Education Recommendations

    mg电子试玩app根据美国教育委员会(ACE)推荐(e)审查外部资源的课程.g. Straighterline, Sophia Pathways) for potential transfer of credit. The transcript must come from ACE’s transcript issuer Credly.

    For more information regarding ACE Recommendations please visit the ACE website: http://www.acenet.edu/National-Guide/Pages/default.aspx

    To request your Credly transcript please visit their website: http://info.信誉.com

  • 国际培训专业人员(ITP)补助金

    ITP赠款提供指导, 为寻求在美国重新获得执照的受过国际培训的医疗保健专业人员提供支持和资金.S. 或者从事其他医疗职业培训.


    • 在国外出生的
    • 获授权在美国工作.S.
    • Internationally trained 健康care professional who wish to:
      • 在他们的领域或
      • 追求替代医疗职业培训


Further questions about 先前学习学分? 请 安排约会 with your Advisor to discuss further or fill out this 调查 and someone will get back to you in 3-5 业务 days.

mg电子试玩app是明尼苏达州先前学习评估网络(C-PLAN)的合作伙伴 Minnesota State collaboration of colleges and universities developing and sharing CPL expertise and resources. C-PLAN assists students to identify their CPL options.

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